Note: Wacom tablet + Dualscreen desktop setup

I encountered a problem using two screens with my trusty old Wacom Intuos 2 A5 tablet, as there was no option of 1:1 proportion mapping in pen mode spanning over both screens, without losing a significant amount of the tablets active area. Solution: Buying a new version, with a “switch mapping -feature” (no thanks Wacom)..Continue reading “Note: Wacom tablet + Dualscreen desktop setup”

Chicken On Steroids *edit: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!

I had this idea a few years back, when I heard that growth hormones are used in the U.S poultry industry. When I saw the Finnish “From Bits to Atoms” call for entries, I decided to enter the competition with this entertaining “Professional Fitness” character. The competition called digital artists to send their work toContinue reading “Chicken On Steroids *edit: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!”

Set in Concrete | Urban Screening | PARIS | FocusPocus-videoparadox

Chic Art Fair Paris and PvonK Berlin have been working in collaboration to organize a URBAN SCREENING on an outside concrete wall, longing the River Seine in Paris. The Screening “SET IN CONCRETE” will take place every evening during the Chic Art Fair: OCTOBER, 20th-24th 2011. Among the works shown, will be FocusPocus-videoparadox. ‘Set inContinue reading “Set in Concrete | Urban Screening | PARIS | FocusPocus-videoparadox”

FocusPocus-videoparadox goes Cuba

Our installation is selected in the 4th International Festival of Video Art, Camagüey 2011, Cuba. It seems to have an effect in many cultures. Maybe because (whilst doing it) I ended up dealing with the general questions of humanity that are common to us all, regarldess of culture and political country. That who seeks, shallContinue reading “FocusPocus-videoparadox goes Cuba”

I’m in Art Takes London.

Check out my (small, but dense) portfolio: Voting Is Good! Sharing Is Caring! I’ll be at Berlin during June 2nd to 5th with our installation FocusPocus-videoparadox, so feel free to grab my sleeve and share thoughts! EMERGEANDSEE Festival 2011 Peace.

FocusPocus-videoparadox in Moscow Museum of Modern Art.

I’m happy to announce that our installation “FocusPocus-videoparadox” has been selected for “Now&After” Video Art Festival, that will occur from the 13th of July to the 4th of September in Moscow Museum of Modern Art. So if you are at the neighborhood, check it out! The results of the competition will be announced in lateContinue reading “FocusPocus-videoparadox in Moscow Museum of Modern Art.”

New artwork

CloudZ. Clicking the image brings a bit larger view of the piece. Doing this, I ended up thinking about stereotypes, responsibility and social pressure, but it has elements and room for interpretation. It took some 10 intense painting sessions to get it where it is. It’s available in (insanely high resolution) physical format as well.Continue reading “New artwork”

FocusPocus-videoparadox @ Digital Graffiti at Alys Beach

Our installation “FocusPocus-videoparadox” has been selected for display and competition during the 2011 Digital Graffiti Festival at Alys Beach, Florida. It’s an awesome setting for the piece. I recommend you to see it and the other great stuff there, if you can. As usual, click the image for a larger view. And remember: SharingContinue reading “FocusPocus-videoparadox @ Digital Graffiti at Alys Beach”

Theme changed, Exhibition in Berlin.

I got bored of the old look. Welcome misty, underground look! You are welcome to see “FocusPocus-videoparadox” (and me)  in Berlin, Germany at  EMERGEANDSEE 2011 Media Art Festival (June 3rd – June the 5th).   This Painting revolves around understanding false authorities, and the institution of accusations. Click the image for a larger view .Continue reading “Theme changed, Exhibition in Berlin.”


It has been a while since my last post, but we’ve been busy arranging our installation “FocusPocus -videoparadox“. It all started with a media art piece we (me & my wife) suggested to the Pixelache media art festival committee. After our installation was selected to the Pixelache programme, we started the endeavor to realize theContinue reading “FocusPocus-videoparadox”